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PageSpeed Insight's score

YSlow's benchmark score

Pages' health chart

PageSpeed Insight's score
Website optimization
Right from our website’s earliest days, we pay careful attention to providing the best possible user experience and continuously seek space for improvements. We value your time. Therefore, we optimized our website to consume as little broadband as possible, resulting in short rendering times. This happened to be the crucial factor for mobile devices — a vast majority of our visitor base. To ensure a smooth user flow, additional, more lightweight versions of resources are utilized, while the critical ones are successfully inlined. We followed the “you aren’t gonna need it” principle here as well, so the code and requests are limited to just what is essential. The less kilobytes, the less you wait. And the result? Google PageSpeed Insights rate is 93/100, which confirms us to be user-friendly. YSlow grades the website with 84/100 points, placing it way above the average. What’s the use of having even the most brilliant webiste, if it’s difficult to look up? A good SEO is indisputably a must for any successful place on the Internet, and it can’t be achieved overnight. Technical efficiency obviously comes first, but the right content is even more important, hence we’re maintaining the balance between it being interesting to the reader and appropriate to the search engines. Minding the former, we’ve prepared our website to be convenient for those with sensory impairments, keeping the structures logical and predictable, which is also impactful to the search results.